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GenuinePurity™ NMN + NR

GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN + NR is designed to boost your NAD+ levels synergistically with two powerful NAD+ precursors. With each serving you get a clinically studied dose of each precursor. Plus, this formula is enhanced for maximum effectiveness with a Liposomal Encapsulation Technology for better absorption and cellular uptake.

  • Supports Cellular Regeneration
  • Enhances Mitochondrial Function
  • Promotes DNA Health
  • Improves Lifespan & Healthspan
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Why a Dual Approach Delivers
Optimal NAD+ Support

Extensive research shows both NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) and NR (nicotinamide riboside) efficiently raise NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) - the “longevity” molecule known to enhance lifespan and healthspan.

So, if NMN and NR both increase NAD+, which one is better?

The answer is interesting. Because the truth is both compounds respond differently in the body for each person. Which means NR could be a better option for boosting NAD+ for Person A, but not Person B. This creates a unique problem for anyone choosing between NMN and NR because there’s no easy way to know which is better for you as a unique individual.

A Synergistic Solution

A powerful study from the Integrative Medicine Clinicians Journal published in 2020 says:

NMN and NR dance together."

This implies that taking both NMN and NR could be the most advantageous option if you truly want to maximize your NAD+ boosting potential.

Your Best Option

Both NMN and NR are champions in their own right. By taking advantage of their diverse yet complementary roles, a two-pronged strategy maximizes NAD+ biosynthesis through multiple avenues.

Each individual metabolizes NMN and NR uniquely. Neither knows for certain which suits your biochemistry best. But together, they form a united metabolic front to powerfully and synergistically lift NAD+ levels.

The GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN + NR
Triple Advantage

Our dual NAD+ boosting formula stands apart from all others, offering only the purest NMN and NR, at clinically studied doses, along with an advanced delivery mechanism called Liposomal Encapsulation Technology for maximum effectiveness.

Advantage #1
Real NMN & NR

You'll find no substitutes here - only certified NMN and NR can be found in our formula. In fact, we proudly verify ingredient authenticity with a Certificate of Authenticity so you know you’re getting the real thing.


Advantage #2
Optimized Dosing

A tailored 250mg dose of NMN and NR each delivers a studied amount of each for maximal effect. Other products provide inadequate amounts which is why they fail to fully promote NAD+ synthesis.


Advantage #3
Liposomal Encapsulation Technology

This pharmaceutical-grade technology provides three distinct benefits:

  • #1 Shields ingredients from stomach acid
  • #2 Accelerates absorption rate of ingredients
  • #3 Maximizes cellular uptake

NMN & NR Are Proven
NAD+ Precursors

Our dual NAD+ boosting formula stands apart from all others, offering only the purest NMN and NR, at clinically studied doses, along with an advanced delivery mechanism called Liposomal Encapsulation Technology for maximum effectiveness.

...several studies have shown the efficacy of nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in boosting NAD+ levels…

- Translational Medicine of Aging | 2021

[NMN] can rapidly increase the cellular NAD+ concentration.

- Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology | Tokyo, Japan 2016

NMN… can slow down [aging] by elevating NAD+ levels in the body.”

- Journal of Advanced Research | Volume 37, March 2022, Pages 267-278

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) has recently become one of the most studied nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors…”

- Journal Nutrients | 2020

The Pathway to Increased NAD+

Here’s how NR + NMN are converted into NAD+: First, know that NR is efficiently converted to NAD+ through multiple enzymatic steps. To start, NRK facilitates the addition of a phosphate group by NR, generating NMN. This intermediate is then acted upon by NMNAT, attaching an adenylyl moiety to fully manifest as NAD+.

In short, the process looks like this:

NAD+ Biosynthetic Pathway

The Functions of NAD+
Inside Your Body

Current research illustrates the profound importance of NAD+ involvement in over 500 cellular functions. Key roles include harnessing energy from nutrients, maintaining genetic integrity through DNA repair, intercellular communication via signaling, protecting telomeres against shortening, entraining circadian rhythms, facilitating gene expression, bolstering immunity, and promoting autophagy.

The Incredible Health Benefits
of Elevating Your NAD+

Elevating NAD+ with NMN and NR correlates to a myriad of benefits linked to enhanced wellness and longevity. Studies draw connections between increased NAD+ and greater energy levels, improved cognition, optimized heart health, better sleep, reduced joint pain and inflammation, fortified immunity, and an uplifted mood.

  • Increasing Energy Levels
  • Improving Cognitive Functions
  • Supporting Heart Health
  • Improving Sleep Quality
  • Reducing Joint Pain & Stiffness
  • Strengthening Immune System
  • Elevating Mood

NAD+ Declines as We Age

It is now well understood that natural decreases in NAD+ contribute significantly to aging processes. But with consistent daily supplementation of GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN + NR, you could raise NAD+ levels naturally as the years pass to counter age-related decline and optimize cellular function.

NAD+ Levels Are HALF By Middle Age

Graph: NAD+ Half At Middle Age

By middle age, our NAD+ levels have plummeted to half that of our youth.”

IMCJ- Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal | February 2020

Made in the USA

We chose to manufacture GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN + NR domestically to ensure rigorous quality control. Produced in FDA-approved facilities that adhere to the highest cGMP standards, you can feel confident with every dose.

Start Optimizing Your
NAD+ Levels Today

Committing to healthy aging means maintaining optimal NAD+ levels long-term. Our 2-in-1 formula makes that simple and affordable. And you can save even more money with large size packages. Simply scroll up to the top of this page to select your package and get started today.


Backed By Our 100% Satisfaction, 97-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Experience GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN without worry, thanks to our
100% satisfaction, 97-day money-back guarantee. Place
your order today, and we'll promptly send your package. If you find
yourself unsatisfied for any reason, return the bottles (even if empty)
within 97 days for a full refund of the purchase price—no questions
asked. Does that sound fair?

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